Seeking out great stocks to buy is important, but identifying quality investments is only half the battle. Many would say it’s even more important for investors to know which stocks to steer clear of. A losing stock can eat away at your precious long-term returns. So, figuring out which stocks to trim or get rid of is essential for proper portfolio maintenance.
Even the best gardens need pruning, and our team has spotted a few stocks that seem like prime candidates for selling or avoiding. Continue reading to find out which three stocks our team is staying away from this week.
Lemonade (LMND)
Thus far, the self-proclaimed insurance industry disruptor has gained a healthy following. But in all of the enthusiasm surrounding its AI-based underwriting technology, investors may be turning a blind eye to its laundry list of flaws.
In 2022, Lemonade generated a 116% increase in premiums. By contrast, the company expects just 12% year-over-year growth in 2023. Aside from the dramatic slow-down in overall business, the company is bleeding cash, posting an adjusted EBITDA loss of $225 million last year. This year’s EBITDA loss is expected to come in at around $242 million.
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The #1 stock for 2023

The #1 Stock for 2023
According to former Goldman Sachs executive, Nomi Prins…
Americans who are hoping for a ‘return to normal’ are going to be shocked when they see what happens next in America.
She says, “If you’re betting your job, savings, or retirement accounts on a return to ‘normal’ you’re about to be left behind by a brand-new crisis few see coming.”
Go here now to see America’s next crisis
Legacy Research:

A Return to Normal? PhD Economist: “Don’t Bet on It”
According to former Goldman Sachs executive, Nomi Prins…
Americans who are hoping for a ‘return to normal’ are going to be shocked when they see what happens next in America.
She says, “If you’re betting your job, savings, or retirement accounts on a return to ‘normal’ you’re about to be left behind by a brand-new crisis few see coming.”
Go here now to see America’s next crisis
Ascent Solar Technologies (ASTI)
The photovoltaic specialist carries significant implications for the solar energy industry. With society gravitating toward clean and renewable energy solutions, the company should be enjoying extraordinary relevance. Unfortunately, its narrative hasn’t been so fortunate. Year to date, ASTI share price is down 69%. In the trailing year, it’s down almost 96%. Glaringly, its three-year revenue growth rate sits at 90.3% below parity. Profit margins have slipped to ridiculously negative rates while the balance sheet is a mess. warns that Ascent Solar is a possible value trap.
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Carvana (CVNA)
Used car prices skyrocketed coming out of the pandemic. However, it looks like the used car market is entering a correction, with some analysts calling for an impending collapse. The Manheim Used Vehicle Value Index showed that used car prices sank 14.9% year-over-year in December 2022, the most significant annualized price decline in the 26-year history of that index.
Due to the steep decline in used car prices, Carvana stock has lost 95% of its value over the last 12 months. The company’s profit per vehicle was lower by 25% in 2022. Meanwhile, its total debt stands at $9.25 billion, with only $650 million of cash on hand. There have also been confirmed media reports that the company’s creditors have signed an agreement on how to handle negotiations with Carvana if it goes bankrupt. That’s not a good sign.
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