Don’t leave your success up to luck…
The Best Way to Trade Is When You Can “Win Both Ways”…
I target most Win-Both-Ways Trades for around $3…
I spot exactly when to place the trade… and BOOM! You can win big whether a stock goes up… OR down.
Some profits hit within 24 hours.
See how to “Win Both Ways”!
Hey there…it’s me, Felix, your personal Ace of Investing.
It’s a brand new week in the market. And that means brand new buying opportunities. I know one stock you’ve probably never even heard of, but it should definitely be on your radar right now.
If you’re ready to up your ante, keep reading…

Stocks were under pressure in early trading this morning on the first trading session of the week.
The recent growth sector meltdown has created some golden buying opportunities, like the one featured in today’s trade alert.
Today we’ll focus on a still small company, that a lot of people don’t know about yet, but which is sitting on breakthrough technology in an emerging investment mega-trend that could redefine how consumers go about their lives.
Continue reading to find out which stock we’re watching today…
The gas shortage has hit DC hard – here’s what you need to know
While the Colonial Pipeline is piping again, our troubles aren’t over.
As of right now, Washington, D.C. is in the grip of a serious gas shortage.
More than 90% of service stations have ZERO gas.
To put that into perspective, about 12,466 stations had reportedly run empty as of last night.
How much longer is this shortage going to drag on? Check out what we know so far and what we can expect to learn soon…
Lumber prices have gotten insane, and now more people are cutting out the middle man
Lumber prices have pretty much just gotten plain stupid. And I don’t think we can expect them to start dropping any time in the immediate future.
So, some DIYers are looking for ways around the price obstacle.
And that means there are a lot more individually owned and operated mills popping up across the nation.
No one likes the middle man, but could this emerging trend take hold and change the face of buying lumber materials?
Here’s what the experts have to say…
Are you too focused on being “smart”?

“Investing requires qualities of temperament way more than it requires qualities of intellect.”
– Warren Buffett
I might burst a few bubbles around here, but it’s worth noting that you don’t have to be “smart” to be a savvy investor.
In fact, if you’re spending more time on your “smarts” than you are on your emotional gut responses to the market, then you might be missing out on some big gains.
Because as you’ve probably already heard, if you passed 4th grade math, you already have all of the powers of calculation that you could ever need.
But can you keep your emotions in check?
Make sure that you’re focusing your efforts on areas that will yield you the greatest returns in your portfolio. Your gains aren’t measured by the strange facts you acquire, but on the actions that you take.
If the Fed starts trying to “fix” inflation, what will that do to the markets?
It’s not just the Biden White House that’s starting to freak out about the current state of our economy – especially when it comes to inflation.
While there is still a lot of confidence that this current spike in inflation is just “transistory” more and more experts are starting to weigh in on what will happen if inflation decides to stick around on a more permanent basis.
And some of those experts think that when that moment comes, the Feds efforts could cause the markets to drop by 20%.
So, what might trigger that action and what can you do right now to protect yourself in case it does?
The Best Way to Trade Is When You Can “Win Both Ways”…
I target most Win-Both-Ways Trades for around $3…
I spot exactly when to place the trade… and BOOM! You can win big whether a stock goes up… OR down.
Some profits hit within 24 hours.
See how to “Win Both Ways”!
Where to invest $500 right now…
Before you consider buying MP Materials, you’ll want to see this.
Investing legend, Whitney Tilson just revealed his #1 stock for 2021…
And it’s not MP Materials.
He bought Netflix at $7.78, Apple at $1.42, Amazon at $48 and Now he’s going all-in on the one stock driving the next big tech trend that will make investors rich in 2021.
You can learn all about it on Mr. Tilson’s Website, here.
Wondering what stock he’s investing in?
Click here to watch or read his presentation, and learn for yourself…
But you have to act now, because a catalyst coming in a few weeks is set to take this company mainstream… And by then, it could be too late.
Click here to find out the name and ticker of Whitney Tilson’s no. 1 pick for 2021…
Action is one of the best investments,

Felix Morgan
Editor-in-Chief at Ace of Investing
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